Frankly, I do not want to tell this. However, I am really at my wit's end. But, if I care of you, I have to split it up, right? This writing is not to blame you or to put you in a corner. No, not at all. I just want to wake you up. Make you realize and bring you back into the right line as well as be good of you of course. I do not want to see you be so regret of yourselves and be useless persons later. No, I don't. It will really hurt me as your teacher. You know, I felt so sad and helpless now.

Nowadays, I see that you tend to be so much impolite, rude, lazy, selfish, like to be the trouble maker, and many other bad attitudes. You often produce harsh words even to the old ones. You act impolitely as what you want. Without rules and limitations. You dare balk at your teachers even when they try to give you some advice. You seem so comfortable in doing some bad things in class. You really have lost all good norms. And for more serious condition, you often disobey your teachers and consider them just like a statue. You consider that your teachers' words are only useless thing. It goes in one ear and out at the other.

From all those bad behavoiur, I can conclude that your gadgets have taken a big role towards your attitudes. It has totally ruined yourselves. You only concern about those dead things as if they are your life and your half of soul. You spend most of your valuable time with them. Everytime, everywhere, your activities and focus are only to your gadgets. It's poor of you. You know, you look like a dead person.

Don't you feel so sorry to your parents? They have sacrificed many things to support your study. To make you be more clever and successful persons. They spend a lot of money. Spend their time just to take and pick you up during your learning process. They trust you and they put their hope on you. However, what have you done? You have betrayed them. And how if they know about the reality? I am sure, they will get so disappointed. Please, think it over. It is not for me or others. It is purely for you. For your better life and future. It's never too late to change. You still have the opportunity to turn it good. You are our hope. This country count on you too.

The last, I am still sure that the sun will shinning someday for you all.


Bandar Lampung, 4 Februari 2017

Posting Komentar

  1. Woww...whats is this???
    Saya gx trllu pnter bhsa inggris...hehe...maaf gx bisa komen nilai artikelny...

    1. Hehe...gpp mas. Ini ttg kelakuan murid masa kini yg abai dg kewajiban dan tnggung jwb mrk. Lbh bnyk ber-gadget. Sk bohong, brkata kasar dan membangkng. Norma2 sopan santun dam tatakrama diri mrk sdh bnyk yg terkikis.

  2. Keren...aku blm nulis ni...tantangan tamvan

  3. Makasih mbak wid. Mencoba konsisten nulis english buat group tamvan...hayuuk mbak wid semngat

